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Lesson 2 Persuasion and appeal

Thesis Statement

Cyberbullying increases stress levels among teens with social media accounts and smartphones and can cause anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

Cyberbullying on social media is connected to depression in teenagers, according to research by Luby & Kertz (2019) that analyzed multiple types of research involving the online phenomenon. In this case, there is a consistent relation between exposure of teens to social media bullying and increased likelihood of anxiety and depression. According to Abi-Jaoude et al. (2020), evidence implicates social media and smartphone use considering the influence on teens’ interpersonal and self-view relationships via negative interactions and social comparison accompanying cyberbullying.

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Smartphones and social media content often involve the promotion and normalization of suicidal thoughts and self-harm among teens. According to Twenge et al. (2017), high proportions of teens heavily use their smartphones and social media simultaneously. As a result, they result in chronic sleep deprivation, and negative influences on academic performance, cognitive control, and socio-emotional functioning (Burrow & Rainone, 2017). These influences trigger anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

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Refutations also abound. For instance, daily use of social media does not raise risks of anxiety and depression among teens. This is the case considering daily use of social media is neither a strong nor consistent risk factor for anxiety and depressive symptoms among teens in the U.S. (Luby & Kertz, 2019). Social media also fails to capture the diversity with which teens use social media and smartphones, which may be both negative and positive depending on the social context.

In conclusion, evidence shows that social media and smartphone use contribute to teens’ anxiety, depression, and suicidal tendencies because of various factors and aspects such as negative interactions and social comparison accompanying cyberbullying. At the same time, study reports show the lack of direct correlation between cyberbullying on social media and depression and suicide.

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